Friday, February 6, 2009

DUI in Samaria.

Wow. I was driving home about an hour ago and I saw this guy stopped right before an intersection. I heard him yelling something and I asked if he needed help. I'm still not sure what he said back, but right then I was certain that he was wasted. I parked my car and went over to help him push the car. He kept saying he was fucked and that he didn't want a DUI. I noticed that his two left wheels were flat and that his air bags had deployed. He never told me what happened.
We tried to push it anyway, but the rain made the street too slippery to get any decent footing while trying to move the car. Just as we were getting ready to change the a tire to make it easier to move, a woman noticed us and offered to help. I thought she was had something to tow it or something like that, but surprisingly she said she would move the car out of the road by to pushing it with hers.

We were able to leave it in a decent enough parking position after 20 minutes or so of pushing the car around. Her car had a few scratches and a bump, but his looked completely beat up. He was happy enough he didn't get a DUI. I offered to take him home because he couldn't get a hold of anybody, but his girlfriend picked him up a few minutes after we got the car "parked."
He gave the woman with the truck some money and let me keep the sideview mirror that broke off during the move. I didn't do much except facilitate communication between the two cars and direct the drunk guy, but I was glad to have been able to do at least that.

I told him to please be careful next time before he left. His car was wrecked and I could see he felt awful about it. I'm not sure if that was a big enough deterrent to stop him from ever driving drunk again, but I hope so. I understand why some would argue the best possible course of action would have been to report the car to the police and let him face the consequences since he was acting irresponsibly, but that's just not me.

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