but I always misspell his name when I look him up on Youtube. I write "quick." But I'm not one to play the punk role.
I went to LACMA the other day. The exhibit was pretty swell. Jeez words aren't coming today. I don't think I got to see all the art but I my little head had had just about enough thought-provoking and meaningful art for one day. So we went to see Watchmen (Zing!)
I didn't like the movie. Don't get me wrong, it had its good parts. The McDuffy part was great, I wish the director or whoever added that in would have kept doing stuff like that throughout the movie. Instead, they tried to stay as close to the comic as they could, except for the ending(?!?) and the characters(?!) Nothing important. They left out my favorite line in the book ("Does the human heart know chasms so abysmal?") even though the scene was in the film and had new lines. Why? Because in the film, Dr. Manhattan figures he should mettle in the affairs of men once again because deep down he loves Ms. Juspeczyk. Silly sucka.
And what's up with Veidt being 25 years old? And evil? And friends with Manhattan? The ending was lame. The actions scenes were longer than they should have been. Same with the babymakan scenes. I think I would have liked the movie if I hadn't read the comic.
I think the director took a Rorschach approach to making the film: Black or white, good or evil. Rorschach isn't an artist, dude. Show us, don't tell us.
Oh well.
I'm almost twenty years old, and I still haven't caught a shiny Pokemon.
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