Monday, December 7, 2009

a relatively unedited email exchange

Cheeky Student: The first concert I attended was the 20 year anniversary of The Bouncing Souls; my work schedule did not permit any more appropriate concerts.The only proof of attendance I have is the strip of paper on my right wrist.
May I still turn that [thing on my wrist] in?
I am aware that I will be penalized for the nature of the concert and my generally cheeky demeanor.

Ms. Attractive Piano Instructor: [I love you,] so you will only get marked down because it's an unapproved concert, but overall, it's not that many points docked. Make sure you include a list of all of the songs played in the concert and the program will not be necessary.
And, the comments are entertaining. But, don't include the cheeky stuff in your concert critique or research papers. Scholarly writing does not bode well for that. In the written reflections, it is fine.

Pick your own adventure!
A. "Good thing I've been practicing fingering those scales!"
B. "No, you are fine." <-
C. "I don't know no languages."
D. "I guess this one is going to the El Monte Station..."

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